Please read carefully the new procedure
The deadline for electronic abstract/summary submissions is April 1, 2024   April 11,2024. The mandatory template to prepare your extended abstract (1 page max, min 400 words) is available here. The mandatory template to prepare your summary (2-6 pages) is available here [IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings-select A4 format]. The extended abstracts (1-page max) and the summary paper (2-6 pages) are definitive and therefore require a single submission; if accepted, duly registered and presented they will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements, unless the author objects on this as explained in the guidelines reported at the bottom of this page. Authors of invited and contributed papers must submit electronically in a PDF format (*.pdf) file, of size less than 10MB, an extended abstract (one page) or a summary (min two pages, max six pages) containing sufficient information to allow the Scientific Committee to evaluate their contribution. Your work (either extended abstract or summary) must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specifications. In order to generate an IEEE Xplore Compliant PDF document, use the above A4 size template and check your PDF document or convert your document using the free IEEE PDF eXpress service. To access IEEE PDF eXpress, use the link https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/login and use as Conference ID: 61917X. IEEE PDF eXpress requires a first login registration for new users. While submitting your paper you will be asked to electronically generate and submit in PDF format the Copyright for your paper. Papers without a valid COPYRIGHT FORM with correct data (conference name, paper number, title, authors’ list) will not be published. Only the corresponding author will receive a submission acknowledgement. As per IEEE policy, all papers (both extended abstracts and summary papers) will be reviewed and checked for originality with Cross-Check [IEEE recommends 70% of originality]. The corresponding author will be notified of acceptance by May 15, 2024. For a summary/extended abstract to be scheduled for presentation and published in the Conference proceedings, the paper must be associated with a registration to 2024 ICEAA / IEEE APWC. All papers must be presented by one of the authors and each registered author may present no more than two papers, which could be in the same Conference (ICEAA, or APWC), or distributed over the two Conferences. For the paper presented by the same author in addition to the first one there will be an additional cost of 90 euros per paper. The NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of the presenting author is due by May 30, 2024. The Electronic submissions at 2024 ICEAA/IEEE APWC will be accepted only through the Conference web site (no e-mail attachments).
To submit each paper,
you need to apply the following steps in order


Please prepare the pdf of your paper following templates reported in this page and using IEEE PDF eXpress service or other tools that allow “all fonts are embedded and subset.”


Phase 1/2: by starting electronic submission, you will be asked for corresponding author data, title of your paper, topic session-conference, all authors’ data.


Phase 2/2: generate and upload the copyright form in pdf format by using IEEE ecopyright tool automatically available during submission process. Upload the pdf of your paper. 


If you would like to review your submission or modify your paper, you can do it till the deadline of paper submission. Please go to the SIGN IN page and log in with your credentials: Username is your paper number / Password the one you chose.

Note: Although all the regularly registered papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, please recall that papers must be presented in person at the conference: IEEE no show policy is enforced

Note: Corresponding authors who DO NOT WANT their extended abstract/summary to be published on IEEE Xplore will have to ask for that within June 20, 2024, via email to iceaa24@polito.it; with SUBJECT: exclude my work number # from IEEE Xplore.


for publication problems: iceaa24@polito.it

for registration/other problemsiceaa@seleneweb.com

Extended abstract or Summary paper submission
> April 1, 2024   April 11,2024

Notification of acceptance

> May 15, 2024

Presenter registration

> May 30, 2024